Terms Of Use
  • 1.The use of www.schooluro.com service by any authorized user is subject to the following Terms and Conditions set out herein. The registered user shall be provided a unique Username and password for accessing schooluro.com. User hereby agrees that in exercising his/her the right to use his/her account, the user is solely responsible for preserving the security of the password and account of the user. The user shall ensure that the user exits the account at the end of each session by signing out. schooluro.com takes no responsibility and shall stand totally indemnified by the registered user for any or all consequences caused by any unauthorized use of the user's account by any third-party.

  • 2.All the contents of the schooluro.com are for intended use only. They may not constitute guidance/ advice and should not be relied upon to make (or refrain from) any decisions. Any clear guidance / advice or answers to questions in any section of the schooluro.com shall be /are the personal opinion of those experts/consultants/persons and shall not be subscribed to by schooluro.com.

  • 3. Student’s account for schooluro.com will be for one year or till the examination date of the examination selected by the user while creating Student account. Furthermore, if a user registers with schooluro.com by deciding to register with schooluro.com selecting payment mode as Cheque/Credit Card/Bank Transfer, (we will not accept payment in CASH) user shall allow schooluro.com to realize the full charge for the schooluro.com service in advance. The schooluro.com team can only begin services after due payment has been made. Although every attempt shall be made to start the schooluro.com services with the registered users as soon as possible after full payment has been made, the team of schooluro.com shall not be liable for any damages due to delay.

  • 4.The violation of any of the terms and conditions by the registered user shall be adequate grounds for cancellation of the schooluro.com service, and no liability shall be fall on schooluro.com team to refund the fees already paid, either in full or in part. Once the payment has been realized no refund / cancellation will be made, including non-usage of the schooluro.com service.

  • 5.The information from or through the schooluro.com is provided on "as is" basis. schooluro.com and their parent organizations, affiliates , associates and permitted assigns shall not be liable, at any time for damages arising from sudden change / addition in the syllabus, marking pattern, analysis reports, guidance notes, explanations, announcement of exam dates / any of its contents, or from any action taken (or refrained from being taken) as a result of using the schooluro.com service or any such contents or for any failure of performance, error, peromission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission or through downloadable material and or software(s) and tools, computer virus, communication line failure, theft or destruction or unauthorized access to, alteration of, or use of information contained on the schooluro.com. No representations, warranties or guarantees in any way are made as to the accuracy, adequacy, reliability, completeness, suitability or applicability of the information to a specific situation.

  • 6.The registered user acknowledges that schooluro.com has no obligation or liability resulting from factors such as, but not limited to the deletion, corruption, omission or failure to store any of the messages or content / data stored or transmitted by the schooluro.com, and that no compensation shall be provided or provided in respect to the information referred to above by schooluro.com team. schooluro.com teams do not warrant that the schooluro.com service would be continuous or uninterrupted, timely, secure or error-free.

  • 7.In addition to the computer with standard operating system and hardware needed, users are required to have an installed working copy of Microsoft Internet Explorer version 6.0 or above or latest and updated web browser Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox. Web pages are not guaranteed to be shown in any other format. In addition, the user is advised to install some other software in the user’s computer as needed by the evolving technologies, in order to be able to download the contents from the schooluro.com from time to time.

  • 8.In no circumstances will schooluro.com be liable to the client for any damages, such as, but not limited to, loss of data, lost time or opportunities, income, or for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, exceptional or damages resulting from the subject matter of the agreement, regardless of the form of claim and even if the schooluro.com has notified of the possibility of such damages

  • 9.This Agreement shall be governed by the Laws of India. The Courts of law at Pune, Maharashtra shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any disputes arising under this Agreement.

  • 10.These Terms of Service shall constitute the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and shall supersedes all previous or contemporaneous agreements or agreements whether written or oral, with respect to subject matter. schooluro.com team reserves the right to incorporate or amend the terms of this Agreement. Such Changes / Modifications would be made by schooluro.com team after they (changes /modifications) are first posted to the Site. The user shall be considered to have accepted them if the user continues to access the schooluro.com afterwards.

  • Thank You!!!
    Schooluro Team